Australia and New Zealand School Poster competition

The Australasian Region of the International Biometric Society will hold a special poster competition for year 9 & 10 school students in Australian schools, showcasing statistical methods and explorations of problems related to Biometrics. In Australia, Biometrics is strongly represented through:

  1. Agricultural problems (e.g. agricultural field experiments to examine different types of crops);

  2. The environment and ecology (e.g. understanding causes of air pollution, water pollution; animal movement; pest invasions)

  3. Medicine (e.g. clinical trials to assess efficacy of a drug; development of diagnostic tools for illness)

Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 entries that can demonstrate a clear statistical enquiry to a Biometrics problem (examples listed above). Prize amounts consist of: 1st Prize $300, 2nd Prize $200, 3rd Prize $100.

Posters can be submitted through the SSA National Schools Poster Competition website, which will house a special check button for this competition. Winners will be announced at the 2019 Australasian Region Biometrics Conference, where students and their teachers/carers can “zoom in” to virtually attend the awards ceremony.
All posters submitted to this special section of the SSA National Poster Competition will be on display throughout the conference for conference participants to view.

More information

A flyer with information about the competition can be found here.

For more details, contact Petra Kuhnert (

Unfortunately no entries were received that were eligible for a prize.